Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Elijah Jacob Reuben

Little Elijah...a few hours old

Welcome Baby #5

Since its been months since i've posted..thought i'd still do the official Announcement...

We are grateful to the Lord for his grace and mercy at the safe arrival of our new baby!
Baby Blessing number 5......(Drumroll)......


born August 9, 2007 @ 3:20 a.m
weighing 5 lbs 4.5 ounces
born 4 weeks premature
18 1/2 inches long

We were blessed that Elijah had no complications for being so early and upon mommy and daddy's persistence and prayers he was able to stay with momma and not go to the NICU.
God worked mightily and gave us the desires of our hearts of keeping him under our close care and for that i am so thankful. Kangaroo Kare really helped immediately after his arrival and he latched on within the hour!
He is now almost 4 months old and has grown tremendously!
more pics to follow....

Forgotten ...until now!

In the hustle and bustle of life with a newborn and 4 other children it has been overwhelmingly busy!...i honestly forgot about this blog....sounds silly i know but it happens.
The last post i wrote i was still pregnant and patiently waiting for little one to arrive..since then HE has! yes...thats right...we had a precious little BOY!
I will post some early pics of him and all his details and then try update you all with the rest!

Friday, July 13, 2007


Its been a bit confusing to really know when our little one is on his/her way simply becuz i've been given 3 different due dates!! the very first one is Sept 4, 2007 and that is the one i have used for this blog for my pregnancy Counters>>>>>>>>>>>>
However, since I have had a few ultrasounds, that date has changed due to baby's measurements and really am not sure. According to the Ultrasounds it could be as early as August 23!! so...thats quite a discrepency and my periods were not regular so that complicates the Due Date as well. I get strange looks when people ask when im due and i simply say "oh-sometime at the end of summer.." They get all concerned and ask more questions and think im nuts that im not going with a Specific Due Date or that we're not even Fretting about finding out more specifically..!
I guesss its all about being patient and waiting and knowing my body will do its thing whenever BABY is ready. I just know that my mid August...i plan to have EVERYTHING prepared, washed, and ready to go...that only leaves me 4 weeks to do it all. And we still want to do some painting!! HAH..we're sure in for a busy month...but i LOVE it...i think my Nesting Instinct has kicked in already and every day im trying to complete at least one task.
Anyone who has more than 2 kids must know how easy STUFF/Clothing/Toys can build up and Decluttering is a constant thats what i will be doing ...!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

These have been a "MUST HAVE" for the duration of this pregnancy. They are made from Cocoa Butter and are only lightly frangranced which is great for me since i am very sensitive to smell!
The TUMMY BUTTER has been my favorite for my nightly Belly Massage before Bed, it is fairly thick but it nourishes my skin wonderfully thru the night. I have not yet had a stretch mark and am thinking it may be from the stretch mark cream as well which i have used since i pretty much found out we had another Blessing on the WAY!! These are fairly good priced products and can be found at Wal-Mart or Shoppers Drug Mart!

Since i have seemed to get the pictures mixed up here....i will go on to explain the First picture. I was so happy to hear a knock at the door this morning and recieve this box of goodies i ordered thru "EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY" !! Inside was the Third Trimester Pregnancy Tea which i will start drinking tonite! Along with Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is some other effective herbs for preparing my uterus for Labor. As well i ordered Labor-Ease Tea which is supposed to be very effective in maintaining Strong and Effective Contractions during Labor itself, it encourages Lactation and supplies important minerals to mama and baby...sounds wonderful doesn't it? LOL....and of course i just had to splurge a bit and add on the Natural Labor Companion CD which includes some simple visualization techniques and Labor music/Lullabies to assist during Delivery. It's so exciting to get these in the mail and start using really starting to think about the upcoming homebirth and cant wait till Ben comes home so then we can really start preparing!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Busy Month...

It's been a very busy month here ..well since i last posted. Our family took a trip to the East Coast where Ben's whole family is ...we had tons of fun and have tons of pics! it was soo Great to get away and travel and bond as a family . The children especially enjoyed the ocean and collecting shells and starfish ..but most of all i enjoyed spending time with the relatives.
Now I am here at home holding the fork down as Ben is gone away for a month for work and he will be back end of july!! we are all counting the days and keeping busy. I've been trying to focus on decluttering and getting perfectly organized so that when the little one comes, i will be ready!
I still have lots of homebirth Preperations but that can wait for the month of August...something i dont want to be doing alone much more fun to go together. I have ordered my Third Trimester Tea, Labor-Ease herbal Tea and Labor Companion CD from "EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY" Company and im excited to get it in the mail THis week!!
i should be gettting to bed soon so shall post a few pics and sign off...!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Thoughts on Motherhood 1

It's been awhile that i've written and i dont have much time today but i wanted to post a little bit about Mothers Day!! I love mother's day!! each one so far has been so special and unique...and this year was so relaxing and provided some great time together with my 4 beautiful children.
It started out with sleeping in till 11:00 ...which was soo NICE!! and when i woke up, Ben and the children had the whole house cleaned and Moriyah on the chair putting the last bit of dishes away in the cupboard. After a great breakfast, i packed a real 'picnic' lunch and watermelon as we headed to the waterfront. The children had fun chasing seagulls and playing in the trees, then the playground was a must...and after that we walked to the train and carousel which was my favorite part. It was a long full day and the kiddies were pretty tired when we got home. we fired up the barbeque and had some hamburger, hotdogs and baked potatoes...finished that off with some more watermelon!! Well a long story to say that i Loved my day..oh! and i cant forget the cute cards, flowers and DVD set as my gifts...but most of all Family time together was the most special.

I feel so grateful to be a MOTHER ...i really do and every morning i wake up with Joy in my heart i have been given the oppurtunities to invest in the lives and souls of these precious Gifts God has blessed me with. Somedays i feel not worthy to have so much and those are the days i am on my knees weeping for strength, patience and endurance. Motherhood is not Easy and is downright tiring somedays yet i see the bigger picture and that is the only thing that gets me thru the frustrating moments. Every child I have been given has talents, gifts and a great future planned ahead for them that i as a mother must nurture and bring to maturity so that in itself is a daunting task yet God does give me Wisdom and Guidances as He promised he would!
That is an encouragement in itself!! "He gently leads those that have young..."

I also need to dwell on the verse that says "CHIDREN are an heritage FROM the LORD"
and it is so true becuz at the end of my days, when i am old and maybe in a hospital bed ready to greet death what will i remember? will i remember how Sparkly Clean i kept my house, How much money we had in the bank? will it be the Great vehicle we owned or maybe the cottage? will all that matter in eternity sense?!! A resounding NO to it all!! What will i have imparted in the souls of these children that will be still alive after im gone?! What Gifts will have been cultivated? what Morals and Goals and Standards will THEY live by? What will be imparted to THEIR children from me? These are huge questions that need to have an answer. I do know one thing....No matter how i raise and train these little ones, SOMETHING will be passed on from Generation to Generation and it may be a Negative or Positive Heritage, depending on what i've invested. Now dont get me wrong, many children Depart from what their parents have taught them but still, there will be values and things Ingrained into them no matter what they i have Choices that have to be made Daily...and God gives me grace to which i am grateful and HE provides when i can't.

"For the mother is and must be, whether she knows it or not, the Greatest, Strongest and most Lasting teacher Her children have..." Hannah w.Smith

Friday, April 27, 2007


YES its Friday!! that means its cleaning day around here becuz i simply dread cleaning on the weekends. I remember growing up after a week of school and looking forward to time to hang out with friends or watch movies on the weekend but my parents had other plans. I seriuosly had to spend about 4 or 5 hours SCRUBBING , Vacuming, dusting, mowing the lawn every Saturday and it seemed to drag on forever. Now God bless my parents for teaching me responsibility but seriously i was so over it and thought "when im older, im gonna do it different...especially when ive got kids"
so yes...i do it all on Friday...that way when the kidlets get off the bus, the house is sparkly and somewhat organized and decluttered and we can enjoy our weekends together doing fun things as a family. Obviously of course the children still have their daily chores/responsibilities but i try to get most of the Hard work done ahead..little daily things like Laundry and dishes and meal prep still have to operate!! but i'm concentrating on our cluttered basement which once was a cozy rec room but has turned into storage!
This weekend Ben is off for work in Alberta and he flies out its me and the children this rainy weekend. Ive got a few ideas rolling around in my brain of activities. Making playdough is one of them, then i borrowed a few nature movies from the library so maybe tomorrow nite we'll have a movie nite with popcorn and pop. The children will be excited for that im sure.
well, a dusty, cluttered basement is calling my name so i better get some work accomplished before the day is gone!

Monday, April 23, 2007

My Bakers in Training...

Little children are so fun in the kitchen and my two little helpers today were Caleb (3) and Lidiyah (20 months)...they really enjoyed stirring and adding the chocolate chips!

Here are a few more pics of the Cookies!!

My favorite Chocolate Chip Recipe

I enjoy Baking quite a bit...even as a young child and teen it was one of my favorite pasttimes. After testing and trying tons of chocolate chip recipes i think ive finally found a tried and true recipe! I like my chocolate chip cookies soft and chewy, moist and full of chips. My children jump up and down when they smell the delicious aroma of these baking golden brown in the oven on a saturday morning. Hope you enjoy it!

Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup Butter
3/4 Cup White Sugar
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Large Eggs
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract

3 cups Flour
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp Salt
1 1/2 Cups Chocolate Chips

Mix butters and sugars for 2 minutes, add eggs and vanilla in Large mixing bowl. Next add dry ingredients all together in Medium bowl, set aside. Little by littel add Dry to Wet and mix thouroughly until well blended and dough forms. Add Chips and combine well .
Drop by tablespoon on cookie sheets for 10 minutes 350 oven

Thursday, April 19, 2007

just checking to see if this picture thingy works....bear with me here...

Sunny weather and more Baby talk!

Am i ever happy about the warm sunny clear sky days around here. I was definitly feeling the cabin-fever! Yesterday we went to Sunset Beach park with our gang and had a really laid back afternoon playing soccer with the kids and having a picnic. The children loved running around the big open space and got nice and dirty in the sand.
Seeing that i gave amost all my maternity stuff away looks like i better be finding some summer clothes quick!..i dont need much..just the basics but i just know i may be in for a hot summer for sure.
The other day someone noted that i was rather big for only being 5 months or so along and i actually never even thought of it. I dont feel big...but maybe i am?! She said she thought i was at Least 6 months along...which *could* mean i'm carrying a BOY!! yipee! a healthy baby is all we want and seriuosly we dont prefer one sex over the other, but i never sat down and even pondered the sex until then....the Comment made me wonder if we are having a boy becuz I always Carry my Boys rather big so we shall see...
After checking weekly pregnancy Email this week and noticed other pics of other mommy=to-be's bellies i realized it all VARIES. THere were some women who looked small at this week and some who were very BIG at this week so im not gave me a bit of reasurance that i didnt look Abnormal or anything. Just Unique...and normal for this Baby God is creating inside of me.
I am so delighted at the fact that i am sharing pregnancy with 2 other friends from church and its gonna be great to have some women to chat with about BABIES and Homebirth and Midwives since we're all at the stages to talk about these things that not necessarily the general public wants to chat about!
We told the Children and they are Exstatic...especially Moriyah!! and Isaac is VERY interested in waht the baby is doing all the time and Caleb and Lidiyah kiss and pat my belly every night..its quite adorable. Moriyah is acting very protective already and is making tons of plans of how she will play with him/her. Needless to say we've been having some great discussions at family time...
well i'm pretty tired and didnt get my nap in today so i think i'll have a little fruit snack and hit the sheets...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Double Baby Blessings...

Yesterday i had the priveledge of double baby blessings! what does that having twins?! no...unfortunatly i didnt get THAT blessed! but i did get double baby blessed by two oppurtunities.
My friend had a Baby Boy Sunday Morning and i got to hold him the next day..! He was soo little to me and he smelled that sweet newborn smell. It was Intoxicating and his face and tiny features were so amazing it almost made me cry!! i was so honored to hold such a new Gift straight from the Hand of really made me want to hold our little one in my arms but i admit i;m enjoying carrying him/her in my womb too much for that.
Then the second baby blessing was to go for our Ultrasound half an hour away in the afternoon. What an experience! Tears welled up in both of our eyes as we held hands and watched our little one "dance" on the screen. The technician was so incredible and explained each step of the way what part she was measuring and such. At first we looked at the perfectly rounded little head and i was thrilled to see the legs moving and kicking and especially the ankles and toes were adorable.
Ben was more thrilled with the Heart chambers and the Brain hemispheres showing and the arms...he/she was literally "waving" at us!!
We left the clinic in utter awe and talked about our little one all day, at supper and even into the wee hours of the night.
WE are so incredibly Thankful to still be carrying this precious one...its a miracle ! i know of many women who cant seem to carry past 8 weeks or so and my heart breaks at the pain and anguish they must go thru. Its so true ...the bonding really takes place early on in the pregnancy. Yesterday was a real bonding day for us as a couple and our love for our child...It is such an amazing thing to carry life. I am so glad God made me a woman!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Welcome to my New Blog!!

Hello to all! I have been enjoying reading so many favorite blogs and i decided to try my own...who knows how long it will last cuz im a busy mom but i want to try. I simply enjoy life and wish to document/record/journalize so much but at the end of the seems i just cant squeeze it here i am on Blogger attempting to do just that!