Monday, May 14, 2007

Thoughts on Motherhood 1

It's been awhile that i've written and i dont have much time today but i wanted to post a little bit about Mothers Day!! I love mother's day!! each one so far has been so special and unique...and this year was so relaxing and provided some great time together with my 4 beautiful children.
It started out with sleeping in till 11:00 ...which was soo NICE!! and when i woke up, Ben and the children had the whole house cleaned and Moriyah on the chair putting the last bit of dishes away in the cupboard. After a great breakfast, i packed a real 'picnic' lunch and watermelon as we headed to the waterfront. The children had fun chasing seagulls and playing in the trees, then the playground was a must...and after that we walked to the train and carousel which was my favorite part. It was a long full day and the kiddies were pretty tired when we got home. we fired up the barbeque and had some hamburger, hotdogs and baked potatoes...finished that off with some more watermelon!! Well a long story to say that i Loved my day..oh! and i cant forget the cute cards, flowers and DVD set as my gifts...but most of all Family time together was the most special.

I feel so grateful to be a MOTHER ...i really do and every morning i wake up with Joy in my heart i have been given the oppurtunities to invest in the lives and souls of these precious Gifts God has blessed me with. Somedays i feel not worthy to have so much and those are the days i am on my knees weeping for strength, patience and endurance. Motherhood is not Easy and is downright tiring somedays yet i see the bigger picture and that is the only thing that gets me thru the frustrating moments. Every child I have been given has talents, gifts and a great future planned ahead for them that i as a mother must nurture and bring to maturity so that in itself is a daunting task yet God does give me Wisdom and Guidances as He promised he would!
That is an encouragement in itself!! "He gently leads those that have young..."

I also need to dwell on the verse that says "CHIDREN are an heritage FROM the LORD"
and it is so true becuz at the end of my days, when i am old and maybe in a hospital bed ready to greet death what will i remember? will i remember how Sparkly Clean i kept my house, How much money we had in the bank? will it be the Great vehicle we owned or maybe the cottage? will all that matter in eternity sense?!! A resounding NO to it all!! What will i have imparted in the souls of these children that will be still alive after im gone?! What Gifts will have been cultivated? what Morals and Goals and Standards will THEY live by? What will be imparted to THEIR children from me? These are huge questions that need to have an answer. I do know one thing....No matter how i raise and train these little ones, SOMETHING will be passed on from Generation to Generation and it may be a Negative or Positive Heritage, depending on what i've invested. Now dont get me wrong, many children Depart from what their parents have taught them but still, there will be values and things Ingrained into them no matter what they i have Choices that have to be made Daily...and God gives me grace to which i am grateful and HE provides when i can't.

"For the mother is and must be, whether she knows it or not, the Greatest, Strongest and most Lasting teacher Her children have..." Hannah w.Smith

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