Monday, July 9, 2007

Busy Month...

It's been a very busy month here ..well since i last posted. Our family took a trip to the East Coast where Ben's whole family is ...we had tons of fun and have tons of pics! it was soo Great to get away and travel and bond as a family . The children especially enjoyed the ocean and collecting shells and starfish ..but most of all i enjoyed spending time with the relatives.
Now I am here at home holding the fork down as Ben is gone away for a month for work and he will be back end of july!! we are all counting the days and keeping busy. I've been trying to focus on decluttering and getting perfectly organized so that when the little one comes, i will be ready!
I still have lots of homebirth Preperations but that can wait for the month of August...something i dont want to be doing alone much more fun to go together. I have ordered my Third Trimester Tea, Labor-Ease herbal Tea and Labor Companion CD from "EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY" Company and im excited to get it in the mail THis week!!
i should be gettting to bed soon so shall post a few pics and sign off...!

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