Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to the Grind...

It seems i can't find the time to Blog as much as I'd like to...but that is life in a FULL household.
I'm so excited it's a new year and looking forward to some incredible things this year...have some goals in mind and am doing well at sticking to far!~
I plan to lose at least 15 pounds..thats a biggie...i struggle with my weight and need to change my snacking habits! any good tips on losing BabyWeight is much appreciated!
I plan to work with my almost 4 year old Caleb print his name before school in september...
I also hope to get Lidiyah who is 2 1/2 potty trained
Working with Moriyah who is almost 7 at her household tasks is another...i plan to teach her how to bake bread from scratch and dishes.
As for Isaac our 5 year working with him on Reading simple books independently
and for little Elijah...who is 5 months..i have no goals to work with him on...hes doing so well for himself and reaching all the proper milestones even though he was a Preemie!

I am so thankful that the holidays are over (even though it was a BLAST!) and back to the routines of know..proper naptimes, bedtimes, mealtimes and household management..
LIFE is busy..and sometimes i get frustrated and by the end of some days i feel like nothing has been accomplished. It is then i remember the "bobo" i kissed better...the cuddles my children randomly showered me with and the baking session with all the little ones working by my side and i am GRATEFUL and realize the much WAS accomplished indeed!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Elijah Jacob Reuben

Little Elijah...a few hours old

Welcome Baby #5

Since its been months since i've posted..thought i'd still do the official Announcement...

We are grateful to the Lord for his grace and mercy at the safe arrival of our new baby!
Baby Blessing number 5......(Drumroll)......


born August 9, 2007 @ 3:20 a.m
weighing 5 lbs 4.5 ounces
born 4 weeks premature
18 1/2 inches long

We were blessed that Elijah had no complications for being so early and upon mommy and daddy's persistence and prayers he was able to stay with momma and not go to the NICU.
God worked mightily and gave us the desires of our hearts of keeping him under our close care and for that i am so thankful. Kangaroo Kare really helped immediately after his arrival and he latched on within the hour!
He is now almost 4 months old and has grown tremendously!
more pics to follow....

Forgotten ...until now!

In the hustle and bustle of life with a newborn and 4 other children it has been overwhelmingly busy!...i honestly forgot about this blog....sounds silly i know but it happens.
The last post i wrote i was still pregnant and patiently waiting for little one to arrive..since then HE has! yes...thats right...we had a precious little BOY!
I will post some early pics of him and all his details and then try update you all with the rest!

Friday, July 13, 2007


Its been a bit confusing to really know when our little one is on his/her way simply becuz i've been given 3 different due dates!! the very first one is Sept 4, 2007 and that is the one i have used for this blog for my pregnancy Counters>>>>>>>>>>>>
However, since I have had a few ultrasounds, that date has changed due to baby's measurements and really am not sure. According to the Ultrasounds it could be as early as August 23!! so...thats quite a discrepency and my periods were not regular so that complicates the Due Date as well. I get strange looks when people ask when im due and i simply say "oh-sometime at the end of summer.." They get all concerned and ask more questions and think im nuts that im not going with a Specific Due Date or that we're not even Fretting about finding out more specifically..!
I guesss its all about being patient and waiting and knowing my body will do its thing whenever BABY is ready. I just know that my mid August...i plan to have EVERYTHING prepared, washed, and ready to go...that only leaves me 4 weeks to do it all. And we still want to do some painting!! HAH..we're sure in for a busy month...but i LOVE it...i think my Nesting Instinct has kicked in already and every day im trying to complete at least one task.
Anyone who has more than 2 kids must know how easy STUFF/Clothing/Toys can build up and Decluttering is a constant thats what i will be doing ...!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

These have been a "MUST HAVE" for the duration of this pregnancy. They are made from Cocoa Butter and are only lightly frangranced which is great for me since i am very sensitive to smell!
The TUMMY BUTTER has been my favorite for my nightly Belly Massage before Bed, it is fairly thick but it nourishes my skin wonderfully thru the night. I have not yet had a stretch mark and am thinking it may be from the stretch mark cream as well which i have used since i pretty much found out we had another Blessing on the WAY!! These are fairly good priced products and can be found at Wal-Mart or Shoppers Drug Mart!

Since i have seemed to get the pictures mixed up here....i will go on to explain the First picture. I was so happy to hear a knock at the door this morning and recieve this box of goodies i ordered thru "EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY" !! Inside was the Third Trimester Pregnancy Tea which i will start drinking tonite! Along with Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is some other effective herbs for preparing my uterus for Labor. As well i ordered Labor-Ease Tea which is supposed to be very effective in maintaining Strong and Effective Contractions during Labor itself, it encourages Lactation and supplies important minerals to mama and baby...sounds wonderful doesn't it? LOL....and of course i just had to splurge a bit and add on the Natural Labor Companion CD which includes some simple visualization techniques and Labor music/Lullabies to assist during Delivery. It's so exciting to get these in the mail and start using really starting to think about the upcoming homebirth and cant wait till Ben comes home so then we can really start preparing!!