Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Welcome Baby #5

Since its been months since i've posted..thought i'd still do the official Announcement...

We are grateful to the Lord for his grace and mercy at the safe arrival of our new baby!
Baby Blessing number 5......(Drumroll)......


born August 9, 2007 @ 3:20 a.m
weighing 5 lbs 4.5 ounces
born 4 weeks premature
18 1/2 inches long

We were blessed that Elijah had no complications for being so early and upon mommy and daddy's persistence and prayers he was able to stay with momma and not go to the NICU.
God worked mightily and gave us the desires of our hearts of keeping him under our close care and for that i am so thankful. Kangaroo Kare really helped immediately after his arrival and he latched on within the hour!
He is now almost 4 months old and has grown tremendously!
more pics to follow....

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