Friday, April 27, 2007


YES its Friday!! that means its cleaning day around here becuz i simply dread cleaning on the weekends. I remember growing up after a week of school and looking forward to time to hang out with friends or watch movies on the weekend but my parents had other plans. I seriuosly had to spend about 4 or 5 hours SCRUBBING , Vacuming, dusting, mowing the lawn every Saturday and it seemed to drag on forever. Now God bless my parents for teaching me responsibility but seriously i was so over it and thought "when im older, im gonna do it different...especially when ive got kids"
so yes...i do it all on Friday...that way when the kidlets get off the bus, the house is sparkly and somewhat organized and decluttered and we can enjoy our weekends together doing fun things as a family. Obviously of course the children still have their daily chores/responsibilities but i try to get most of the Hard work done ahead..little daily things like Laundry and dishes and meal prep still have to operate!! but i'm concentrating on our cluttered basement which once was a cozy rec room but has turned into storage!
This weekend Ben is off for work in Alberta and he flies out its me and the children this rainy weekend. Ive got a few ideas rolling around in my brain of activities. Making playdough is one of them, then i borrowed a few nature movies from the library so maybe tomorrow nite we'll have a movie nite with popcorn and pop. The children will be excited for that im sure.
well, a dusty, cluttered basement is calling my name so i better get some work accomplished before the day is gone!

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