Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Double Baby Blessings...

Yesterday i had the priveledge of double baby blessings! what does that mean...im having twins?! no...unfortunatly i didnt get THAT blessed! but i did get double baby blessed by two oppurtunities.
My friend had a Baby Boy Sunday Morning and i got to hold him the next day..! He was soo little to me and he smelled that sweet newborn smell. It was Intoxicating and his face and tiny features were so amazing it almost made me cry!! i was so honored to hold such a new Gift straight from the Hand of God...it really made me want to hold our little one in my arms but i admit i;m enjoying carrying him/her in my womb too much for that.
Then the second baby blessing was to go for our Ultrasound half an hour away in the afternoon. What an experience! Tears welled up in both of our eyes as we held hands and watched our little one "dance" on the screen. The technician was so incredible and explained each step of the way what part she was measuring and such. At first we looked at the perfectly rounded little head and i was thrilled to see the legs moving and kicking and especially the ankles and toes were adorable.
Ben was more thrilled with the Heart chambers and the Brain hemispheres showing and the arms...he/she was literally "waving" at us!!
We left the clinic in utter awe and talked about our little one all day, at supper and even into the wee hours of the night.
WE are so incredibly Thankful to still be carrying this precious one...its a miracle ! i know of many women who cant seem to carry past 8 weeks or so and my heart breaks at the pain and anguish they must go thru. Its so true ...the bonding really takes place early on in the pregnancy. Yesterday was a real bonding day for us as a couple and our love for our child...It is such an amazing thing to carry life. I am so glad God made me a woman!

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