Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunny weather and more Baby talk!

Am i ever happy about the warm sunny clear sky days around here. I was definitly feeling the cabin-fever! Yesterday we went to Sunset Beach park with our gang and had a really laid back afternoon playing soccer with the kids and having a picnic. The children loved running around the big open space and got nice and dirty in the sand.
Seeing that i gave amost all my maternity stuff away looks like i better be finding some summer clothes quick!..i dont need much..just the basics but i just know i may be in for a hot summer for sure.
The other day someone noted that i was rather big for only being 5 months or so along and i actually never even thought of it. I dont feel big...but maybe i am?! She said she thought i was at Least 6 months along...which *could* mean i'm carrying a BOY!! yipee! a healthy baby is all we want and seriuosly we dont prefer one sex over the other, but i never sat down and even pondered the sex until then....the Comment made me wonder if we are having a boy becuz I always Carry my Boys rather big so we shall see...
After checking weekly pregnancy Email this week and noticed other pics of other mommy=to-be's bellies i realized it all VARIES. THere were some women who looked small at this week and some who were very BIG at this week so im not gave me a bit of reasurance that i didnt look Abnormal or anything. Just Unique...and normal for this Baby God is creating inside of me.
I am so delighted at the fact that i am sharing pregnancy with 2 other friends from church and its gonna be great to have some women to chat with about BABIES and Homebirth and Midwives since we're all at the stages to talk about these things that not necessarily the general public wants to chat about!
We told the Children and they are Exstatic...especially Moriyah!! and Isaac is VERY interested in waht the baby is doing all the time and Caleb and Lidiyah kiss and pat my belly every night..its quite adorable. Moriyah is acting very protective already and is making tons of plans of how she will play with him/her. Needless to say we've been having some great discussions at family time...
well i'm pretty tired and didnt get my nap in today so i think i'll have a little fruit snack and hit the sheets...

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