Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to the Grind...

It seems i can't find the time to Blog as much as I'd like to...but that is life in a FULL household.
I'm so excited it's a new year and looking forward to some incredible things this year...have some goals in mind and am doing well at sticking to far!~
I plan to lose at least 15 pounds..thats a biggie...i struggle with my weight and need to change my snacking habits! any good tips on losing BabyWeight is much appreciated!
I plan to work with my almost 4 year old Caleb print his name before school in september...
I also hope to get Lidiyah who is 2 1/2 potty trained
Working with Moriyah who is almost 7 at her household tasks is another...i plan to teach her how to bake bread from scratch and dishes.
As for Isaac our 5 year working with him on Reading simple books independently
and for little Elijah...who is 5 months..i have no goals to work with him on...hes doing so well for himself and reaching all the proper milestones even though he was a Preemie!

I am so thankful that the holidays are over (even though it was a BLAST!) and back to the routines of know..proper naptimes, bedtimes, mealtimes and household management..
LIFE is busy..and sometimes i get frustrated and by the end of some days i feel like nothing has been accomplished. It is then i remember the "bobo" i kissed better...the cuddles my children randomly showered me with and the baking session with all the little ones working by my side and i am GRATEFUL and realize the much WAS accomplished indeed!

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